
Traveling with a Bun in the Oven... and Train Travel

We've realized that as we plan our trips, we now have to take some different considerations in mind. Traveling while pregnant brings some new issues to play so I've been doing a bit of research on the topic. It seems like Baby Center has more topics on pregnant travel than you could imagine. If you're expecting and you have a trip lined up, here are some good articles to check...

How Can I Stay Comfortable During a Plane Flight?

I Need to Drive Cross-Country. How Can I Stay Comfortable?

Eight Smart Strategies for Pregnant Travel

Airline Policies for Pregnant Travelers

Onto a totally different topic, The Man in Seat 61 is a web page dedicated to train travel in Europe (and in other parts of the world, as well). There is an overwhelming amount of information here - pretty much everything you might need. The site is dedicated to British travelers but you'll be sure to find it useful. Lots of fares, timetables, information on trains, suggested itineraries, etc.

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