
What's on Your List?

If you look in our kitchen, we have a list on our fridge known as "the list"... destinations that we want to visit in our lifetime. A few short months ago, we were able to check Costa Rica off the list. We had planned to check off the Greek Islands in August but our baby news changed those plans. Of course, by changing those plans, we were able to add an earlier trip in the year - our
upcoming visit to the Canary Islands... technically not on the list but, hey, it's a new destination that looks pretty amazing.

So, do you have a list? What are some of the places you want to visit or things you want to do before it's your time to go? My wife and I occasionally talk of different places and sometimes have varying opinions but some of the ones we've discussed include:

Table Mountain in Cape Town

Visiting Africa - Now, this one is pretty broad and it does include some different options. To begin with, both of us want to check out a wild game safari in Africa. We've also been talking quite a bit about visiting South Africa and Cape Town. Anyone we know who has been to Cape Town has loved it - so many options... surfing, visiting wineries, Table Mountain, you name it. Oh, and then there's the trip I want to take to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. That's definitely on my personal list. So is...

Nimble Feet in Pamplona

Running with the Bulls in Pamplona - With a baby on the way, this one may be slowly slipping further down the list. I have a friend who did it and returned free of scars. I figure if I do it sober, I'll be two steps ahead of the other drunks.

The Lights of Tokyo

Getting Bewildered in Tokyo - The more I read about Japan and the culture, the more I want to visit. I really want to experience the madness of Tokyo... the food, the lights, the culture, pachinko halls, Engrish... all of it. I've also heard Kyoto is a beautiful city.

Gourmand's Delight in Morocco

Experiencing Morocco - There's a certain mystery and exotic side to Morocco that just looks fascinating to me. I would love to wander through the soukhs, take in some amazing cuisine (probably not at the soukhs, though), explore old walled cities and so much more.

Those are the ones off the top of my head. What is on your list?

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